Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority - Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Services

Agency: Johnson County
State: Iowa
Level of Government: State & Local
  • C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction
  • R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services
Opps ID: NBD16311171226397791
Posted Date: Mar 6, 2024
Due Date: Mar 14, 2024
Source: Members Only

Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority - Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Services

Request for Proposals

Pre-Bid Meeting: February 22, 2024 1:30-4:30 PM

Proposals Due: March 14, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Full RFP with Detailed Procurement Timeline

Pre-Bid Meeting Agenda

Pre-Bid Meeting Video Links Accessible in Two Parts:

Part 1
Part 2


Attachment Preview

Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority
Request for Proposals
Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Services
RFP Publish Date
RFP Pre-Bid Meeting
Proposal Due Date
Council Approval
Project Initiation
Procurement Timeline
February 1, 2024
February 22, 2024
March 14, 2024
April 11, 2024
May 1, 2024
Middle Iowa Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Services
The Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority (MIWMA) requests proposals from qualified
contractors for watershed planning services to develop a Comprehensive Water Quality Management
Plan for the Middle Iowa Watershed.
The Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority (WMA) has been awarded a $125,000 watershed
planning grant from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) through the Comprehensive
Water Quality Management Planning Grant solicitation. There is an additional $96,000 in cash match, for
a total of $221,000. The funding will be used to develop a comprehensive water quality management
plan for the Middle Iowa Watershed, which will address stakeholder concerns with water quality,
flooding, and degraded habitat quality. The Middle Iowa watershed is an 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code
watershed (07080208) in central Iowa encompassing ten counties and thirty-four cities and spanning
1,657 square miles. In 2023, concerned stakeholders came together to begin the process of forming a
Watershed Management Authority, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 466B.22. The Middle Iowa
Watershed Management Authority (WMA) was officially formed as a separate legal entity in June 2023,
and since then has begun laying the groundwork for watershed plan development.
Pre-Bid Meeting
Contractors interested in submitting proposals are required to attend a Pre-Bid meeting scheduled for
February 22, 2024, from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Proposals will only be accepted from contractor(s) that
attend the Pre-Bid meeting (in-person or via Microsoft Teams call). The meeting will be held at the
following location:
City of North Liberty
433 South Front Street
North Liberty, Iowa 52357
Virtual Option
Join a Microsoft Teams call from your computer, mobile app or room device:
Join Here
Meeting ID: 223 657 346 464
Passcode: n3eeWy
Or call in (audio only)
+1 773-352-2004
Phone Conference ID: 791 970 34#
Questions that arise after the Pre-Bid meeting should be submitted in writing to Mike Wolfe, Middle
Iowa WMA Board Chair, at the following email address: mwolfe@northlibertyiowa.org, no later than
4:30 pm on March 1, 2024. All questions and answers will be distributed to contractors who attend the
Pre-Bid meeting.
RFP Submittal
Responses to this RFP should be single spaced, font size of at least 11, margins no less than 0.75 inch,
and are limited to ten double-sided pages between covers, not including blank dividers. Number all
pages consecutively. Proposals exceeding these limits will not be accepted. Inclusion of promotional
literature of a general nature is not solicited, but if submitted, will count toward the overall length
Electronic copies should be submitted as a PDF with the subject line, “Middle Iowa Water Quality
Management Plan Development Proposal.” Submissions should be sent to Mike Wolfe, Middle Iowa
WMA Board Chair, at the following email address: mwolfe@northlibertyiowa.org, no later than 4:30 pm
on March 14, 2024. All contractors will be notified in writing regarding results of the selection process.
A summary of the procurement process for this project is as follows:
- February 1, 2024
- February 22, 2024
- March 1, 2024
- March 6, 2024
- March 14, 2024
- March 18-22, 2024
- March 25 - April 5, 2024
- April 11, 2024
- May 1, 2024
*All dates are subject to change.
RFP published
RFP pre-bid meeting
Questions submitted in writing
Submitted questions answered
Proposal Due Date
Proposals ranked by selection committee
Interviews of select consultants
Council approval and notice to proceed
Project Initiation
Each proposal will be reviewed by an evaluation team, composed of MIWMA representatives. Each
proposal will be scored relative to all other proposals on the basis of the evaluation criteria listed below.
Consultants may be contacted during this process to clarify items in their proposals.
Cost and Leveraged Resources:
RFP Required Items
The Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or
to waive any irregularities in any proposal if judged to be in the best interest of the MIWMA and the
planning process. This RFP does not oblige MIWMA to offer a contract to any firm, nor pay any cost
incurred in the preparation of proposals submitted in response to this request. All information and
material submitted in this request will become property of the MIWMA Board of Directors.
The checklist of items required for proposal submission:
1. Company Contact Information
2. Statement of Qualifications
3. Proposed Methodology to Complete Scope of Work
4. Plan Development Milestones and Timeline
5. Proposed Cost of Services and Leveraged Resources
The following outlines expectations for the development of a watershed management plan for the
Middle Iowa River Watershed, providing additional details related to proposal checklist items 2-5 above.
Proposals should follow the outline presented here and respond to each of the items listed in Sections I -
I. Statement of Qualifications
1. Demonstration of past watershed management planning services including a description of
previous projects and experience. Links to completed watershed management plans should be
2. Description of organizational capacity (and sub-consulting staff) to complete all necessary
planning services. Partnerships among consultants are highly encouraged.
3. Qualifications and experience of staff anticipated to be assigned work for this project, including
total hours and percent of time committed to the project.
4. References, including contact information from previous clients of related work within the past
five years.
5. Evidence of ability to work within tight time constraints and the earliest date available to assume
these duties.
II. Proposed Methodology and Scope of Work
The Middle Iowa WMA Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Grant Application
(attachment B) laid out the following planning process below, which the consultant must be
prepared and qualified to lead.
1. Establishment of Committees: Form a Technical Advisory Committee, to include key agencies,
institutions, emergency management personnel, conservation staff, and WMA board members,
as well as a Communications and Marketing, and Outreach and Engagement committee, to
include WMA members and stakeholders.
2. Data and Watershed Resource Inventory: Compile and review existing information and studies,
to include hydrology, water quality, and source water data, BMP practices (e.g. cover crop
reports), and GIS-based compilation of relevant environmental data to describe the overall
watershed characteristics.
3. Issues Assessment: Utilize existing information and data in combination with WMA member and
stakeholder input to identify surface and source water quality and flooding issues and sources.
4. Priority Watersheds Detailed Assessments and ACPF Modelling: Utilize the data and information
analysis to identify four to eight high-priority HUC-12 watersheds. Detailed assessment and
HCPF modeling will be completed by IDNR and IDALS. A standalone watershed management
plan will be developed for each watershed and incorporated into the overall water quality
management plan.
5. Case Studies: Select two community-based case studies with identified water quality, source
water, water supply, flooding, or natural areas and habitat issues at the community level for
detailed project implementation. WMA member and stakeholder input will inform case study
selection, and a project implementation plan will be developed so that identified case studies
are prepared to apply for future funding for addressing the identified issues.
6. Source Water Plan: Complete one IDNR-led phase 2 source water plan.
7. Riparian and Stream Buffer Management Plan: Develop a riparian and stream buffer
management plan for incorporation into the water quality management plan.
8. Stakeholder Engagement: provide engagement opportunities for stakeholders and the public, to
include water quality planning open house, agricultural field days, source water protection
workshop, urban best practices and soil health workshop, listening sessions for watershed
priorities and goal setting, draft water quality management plan open house, and a
post-planning workshop (see attachment B).
9. Development of Implementation Strategies: where possible, implementation strategies should
align with achieving DNR water quality standards or the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy goals.
10. Alignment with Nonpoint Source Management and Connection to Smart Planning Principles: the
water quality management plan must align with the Nonpoint Source Management and
Connection to Smart Planning Principles as outlined in the Middle Iowa Comprehensive Water
Quality Management Plan grant application, attachment B.
11. Development of an MIWMA website with interactive watershed story map.
The consultant may suggest adjustments or alternative approaches to the watershed plan
outline, as long as a clear justification is provided.
This is the opportunity summary page. You are currently viewing an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation. For more information, please visit the Publication URL Web page.


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