Go Outdoors Frederick 2050

Agency: Town of Frederick
State: Colorado
Level of Government: State & Local
  • 89 - Subsistence (Food)
Opps ID: NBD17152308711162900
Posted Date: Mar 20, 2024
Due Date: Apr 8, 2024
Source: Members Only
Bid Title: Go Outdoors Frederick 2050
Category: RFQ - Request for Qualifications
Status: Open


The Town of Frederick, Colorado (“Town”) is soliciting qualifications from firms experienced in park, open space, reservoir, trails, recreation and community planning to partner with the Town to complete significant revisions to the Town’s existing 2021 Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan into a 25-year, Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails System Master Plan with strategic implementation plans, dubbed “Go Outdoors Frederick 2050.”

This unique and long-term system master plan will provide a foundation for the Frederick Parks and Open Space Department during a period in which our population is expected to more than double. We are not interested in a copy and paste system master plan, just to say we have one. We need expert assistance and a true partnership to create a workable, future focused plan to guide all of our operations and improvements for the next generation. This plan should utilize the latest science, data and technologies to provide a robust, strategic direction.

Publication Date/Time:
3/20/2024 10:00 am
Closing Date/Time:
4/8/2024 2:00 pm
Contact Person:
Colby Johnson - cjohnson@frederickco.gov
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Consultant Services
Issue Date: March 20, 2024
Proposals Due: April 8, 2024
Colby Johnson
Director & Project Manager
Parks and Open Space Department
PO Box 435
Frederick, CO 80530
(720) 382-5805
1.0 Invitation
The Town of Frederick, Colorado (“Town”) is soliciting qualifications from firms experienced in park, open space,
reservoir, trails, recreation and community planning to partner with the Town to complete significant revisions to the
Town’s existing 2021 Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan into a 25-year, Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails
System Master Plan with strategic implementation plans, dubbed “Go Outdoors Frederick 2050.”
This unique and long-term system master plan will provide a foundation for the Frederick Parks and Open Space
Department during a period in which our population is expected to more than double. We are not interested in a copy
and paste system master plan, just to say we have one. We need expert assistance and a true partnership to create a
workable, future focused plan to guide all of our operations and improvements for the next generation. This plan should
utilize the latest science, data and technologies to provide a robust, strategic direction.
The Town expects this revised system master plan to be ready for Board of Trustee adoption by the Third Quarter of
2025, but reserves the right to extend that timeframe if needed.
The Town prefers to select one primary firm to complete a system master plan, but recognizes the complexity of this
particular revision and will accept submittals with one primary firm and multiple partnering firms.
The Town reserves the right to alter the Scope of Services at any time throughout the project including at project
initiation and throughout the project, within the terms of the Independent Consultant Agreement.
2.0 Questions and Qualification Submittals
Please submit one qualification, in PDF file type. All materials must be received no later than April 8, 2024 at 2:00pm
Responses must be submitted electronically, via email, to cjohnson@frederickco.gov. Please request receipt
confirmation upon sending.
Questions concerning this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) must be submitted by April 1, 2024 at 2:00pm MT via email
to the Project Manager, Colby Johnson at cjohnson@frederickco.gov Answers will be posted to the Rocky Mountain E-
Purchasing System and the Town’s website as an Addendum by April 3, 2024 at 2:00pm MT. Any verbal communications
will be considered unofficial and non-binding to the Town.
3.0 Community Overview
The Town of Frederick is located on Colorado’s beautiful Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The Town comprises
approximately 17 square miles along Interstate 25, south of State Highway 119 and north of State Highway 52. Our
current population of over 15,000 residents enjoy the Town’s central location, allowing easy access to the Denver and
northern metropolitan areas of Longmont, Boulder and Fort Collins. At the center of the Carbon Valley area, including
Firestone, Dacono, Mead and Erie, Frederick stands out as a community hub for a larger population of nearly 50,000. As
one of the fastest growing communities in Colorado, Frederick is working hard to ensure that growth results in a
cohesive community that preserves the small-town feel and rich heritage its residents have come to enjoy.
4.0 Project Background
The Town of Frederick’s update to the POST Master Plan completed in 2021 identifies the outdoor recreation needs of
residents, anticipates those of tomorrow, and provides a framework for creating a vibrant system of parks, open space,
and trails over the next five to ten years. Guided by previously adopted plans, including the 2015 Comprehensive Plan,
this updated POST Master Plan was developed to establish a community vision, outline a strategy to manage existing
assets, and identify new opportunities for recreation, conservation, and trail connectivity that align with community
needs and projected future growth.
The POST Master Plan update was guided through a multi-phase planning process that obtained input from community
members, Town staff, and other leaders who are committed to improving and expanding Frederick’s parks, recreation
experiences, and preservation efforts. The process lasted approximately 9 months (April 2020 December 2020) and
resulted in the adoption.
However, the Town has developed a new Comprehensive Plan, scheduled for adoption in Q2 2024. This major update
requires further updates to revise the 2021 POST Master Plan as a viable guiding document. This project is budgeted in
2024 to substantially enhance the 2021 POST Master Plan, building on its strengths, with additions and revisions to
make it a dynamic and visionary plan. This effort is intended to bolster findings and recommendations with a specific
focus on creating an actionable plan deliverable to guide future decision-making. This update is intended to encompass
a longer-term vision than the current version. With a planning horizon of 25 years, the intent is to ensure the plan is
comprehensive and forward looking, developed to align with the estimated timeline for the Town of Frederick to reach
full build out. It is also our intent to substantially build upon the system master plan’s strategic implementation,
including, but not necessarily limited to a trails action plan, open space management and trails plan, neighborhood park
water conservation and renovation plan and a long-term capital and department funding plan.
It's important to note that while the Town provides considerable passive recreational opportunities, the vast majority of
active recreational programming is provided by the Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District, who will be a key
stakeholder in the development of this project. The District utilizes Town parks, along with some others in the Carbon
Valley area, to host youth sports, active adult recreation and more.
5.0 Scope of Work
The following draft scope of work is envisioned to accomplish many of the needed updates. Given the complexity of this
project, the Town anticipates additions and omissions to this proposed Scope of Work. This draft Scope of Work is
provided to assist interested firms as much information as possible, to determine whether they have interest in the
project and to provide the most applicable qualifications.
5.1 - Land Use Code and Development Standards
A. The Town of Frederick Planning Department is in the process of re-drafting the Parks and Open Space
portions of the Town’s Land Use Development Code and Development Standards. While we expect the bulk
of that work to take place with in-house and consultants outside of this specific project, we request
submitting firms to highlight experiences with drafting or updating Land Use Codes and Development
Standards and with ensuring the proposed updates to existing Town amenities meet or exceed the new
draft code, so there are not exceptional discrepancies between updated, existing Town parks and open
spaces and new development parks and open spaces.
5.2 - Community Engagement
Conduct targeted public information sharing and strategic stakeholder engagement to bolster survey input
data acquired in recent Town of Frederick planning efforts.
A. Review public input data from the recently completed Town Comprehensive Plan, 2021 POST Master Plan
and recent Site Plans for the area Community Parks along with other outreach efforts and compile input
relevant to parks, open space, and trails or related topics such as recreation, special events, revenues, and
capital expenditures.
B. Engage stakeholders, to include Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District, Colorado Parks and Wildlife,
neighboring municipalities and St. Vrain Valley School District, to identify opportunities for partnership
related to recreational programming, facilities, IGAs, etc.
C. Specifically engage communities, non-profits or other groups with an expertise in inclusive design, to ensure
our public areas have universal accessibility, are sensory-rich environments and have experiences for all
ability levels.
D. Engage nearby communities of Erie, Longmont, Boulder and Boulder County pertaining to open space
management and acquisition along Boulder Creek.
E. Facilitate targeted informational sessions during the master plan update effort to allow public comment,
specifically to gather public input on future improvements. Examples include pop-up-shops at Town Events,
which are held throughout the summer and fall and typically draw between 500 and 2,000 visitors. We do
not anticipate any standalone public information sessions. It is assumed that Town Staff will conduct most
outreach efforts, but documents such as hand-outs, maps, etc will be created by the firm to facilitate these
F. Provide a concise, comprehensive summary of community input to include results of past community
outreach efforts, new stakeholder input, new public comment, and staff input.
G. Creation of a project website that is available throughout the project for public viewing. The website can
host a comment gathering feature for various plan aspects. While we don’t anticipate significant, new public
outreach, we want to ensure transparency through a project website.
H. Presentation for input and review to the PROST Commission at multiple intervals during the project and to
the Board of Trustees for review, input and adoption near the end of the project.
5.3 - Parks, Open Space, & Trails
Revise and update the Parks, Open Space and Trails discussion in the current POST MP to ensure it reflects
the existing conditions and aligns with Town priorities today.
A. Review the Level of Service findings and recommendations from the 2021 POST Master Plan.
B. Identify target areas for open space property acquisition and assign priority based on conversations with
Town Staff and available funding.
C. Identify missing trail links, opportunities to integrate with neighboring communities, and regional trail links
to create a Town Trails Action Plan with prioritization throughout the planning period. New and improved
trail sections should identify funding sources, ie Town Impact Fees, Town Sales Tax Funding or to be funded
and constructed by new Development. This section will prioritize the development of a Town “loop trail”
under direction of the updated Comprehensive Plan.
D. Update discussion of Parks, Open Space and Trails to reflect new classifications in the Frederick system
today, matching those in the updated Land Use Code.
E. Create a sustainable, publically focused strategy with future outreach materials to be conducted by Town
Staff for the maintenance of Town open spaces, specifically a mowing strategy and vegetation control and
improvement strategy.
F. Create a sustainable strategy for agricultural use of Open Space and develop related policies.
G. Identify potential public/private partnerships or joint ventures to optimize public benefit from agricultural
use of Town open space lands.
H. Identify natural resource planning recommendations to guide decisions related to ecology, habitat
preservation, land acquisition, recreational development, etc.
I. Analyze the status of existing, privately developed and managed parks within the Frederick system to
investigate transition to Town management in the future, in coordination with the revisions to the Land Use
J. Identify, prioritize and provide a menu of options with public outreach materials to be conducted by Town
Staff for improvements to the Town’s existing inventory of neighborhood and pocket parks and open spaces,
with a specific emphasis on inclusion, water conservation, naturalization, connectivity, improved
shade/reducing heat island effects and improved amenities.
K. Provide recommendations for future improvements to enhance public access and use, and quality of park
and open space lands.
L. Develop a Capital Improvements Plan that specifies proposed improvements and amenities on a site-by-site
basis with costs projected for work to be completed over the life of the Plan, and generalized budgetary
impacts for those projects with a longer timeline.
M. Collaborate with Town of Frederick staff to update the GIS parks, open space, and trails database currently
in development to reflect existing conditions.
N. Ensure all parks, open space and trails development adheres to the vision of the updated Comprehensive
5.4 - Budgetary Planning / Staffing
Develop explicit provisions for budgetary planning and strategic funding to guide staffing and organization
for establishment of a standalone Parks and Open Space Department.
A. Evaluate Town budgeting, staffing, and operations related to parks, open space, trails and golf.
B. Determine logistical needs, such as office and maintenance space, to accommodate long-term planning and
Departmental growth.
C. Review and restructure Level of Service recommendations as outlined in the 2021 Plan to account for a
newly dedicated Parks and Open Space Department.
D. Provide a detailed budget analysis and plan for the length of the plan to include staffing, capital
improvements, repairs and expansion. This should focus on recommendations for modification to the
Town’s Impact Fees and providing prioritization of Plan recommendations utilizing the Town’s existing 0.5%
sales tax dedicated to parks, open space and trails. It should further provided recommendations to include
operational subsidies required to operate Bella Rosa Golf Course within the funding availability and
structure of the Department.
5.5 - Operations & Maintenance
Develop guidelines and standards for maintenance and operations in collaboration with Town staff to yield a
system applicable to entire park, open space, and trail system.
A. Work with Maintenance Staff to develop a set of multi-tiered service levels that outline maintenance
expectations and standards with clearly articulated guidelines for each level. Service levels must be
achievable within the Staffing and Budget planning for the length of this plan.
B. Apply service levels to each park and open space property.
C. Develop and prioritize a sustainable strategy for water conservation.
D. Account for expansion of park system within 25-year planning horizon.
E. Work with staff to integrate O&M standards into an asset management and work tracking system already in
use by the Town of Frederick. This asset management system Cartegraph Asset Management, is being
implemented concurrently to this proposed project.
5.6 - Goals / Policies / Prioritization
While the 2021 Plan provides excellent broad Goals for the Department to follow, it lacks specific tactics to
achieve these. A detailed strategic plan is envisioned that will integrate short-term priority tasks identified
in the 2021 POST Master Plan and this Plan with newly identified mid-term and long-term efforts.
Recommendations should clearly identify action items prioritized to meet overall goals.
A. Review Goals and Policies as outlined Chapter 4 of the 2021 POST Master Plan.
B. Review Implementation Matrix in Chapter 7 of the 2021 POST Master Plan.
C. Develop actionable tasks to achieve each stated Goal.
D. Identify short-, mid-, and long-range priorities with a 25-year planning horizon.
E. Ensure proposed improvements and amenities will address Level of Service gaps systemwide based on
analysis and planning efforts for this 2024 POST Master Plan update.
This is the opportunity summary page. You are currently viewing an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation. For more information, please visit the Publication URL Web page.


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