24-028A1 - Addendum No. 1 to 24-028 Gateway Signage Project - Construction Phase

Agency: City of Pawtucket
State: Rhode Island
Level of Government: State & Local
  • Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities
Opps ID: NBD17577214189812241
Posted Date: Mar 18, 2024
Due Date: Mar 28, 2024
Solicitation No: 24-028
Source: Members Only

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March 18, 2024
City of Pawtucket, RI
***** Addendum #1 *****
RFP # 24-028
Gateway Signage Project
The attention of bidders submitting proposals for the above-referenced project is called
to the following Addendum to the Request for Proposals indicated above. The items set
forth herein, whether of omission, addition, substitution or other change, are all to be
included in, and form a part of the proposed Contract Documents for the work.
Inclusion of this Addendum must be acknowledged in the spaces provided in the
document entitled “Request for Proposals RFP #24-028 Gateway Signage Project.”
Failure to acknowledge any and all addenda in the above specified bid form may be
cause for rejection of the bids by the Owner on the grounds that it is not responsive.
This Addendum consists of
ITEM 1-1: Sign-In Sheet from Pre-Bid Conference held on March 6, 2024 is
attached hereto.
ITEM 2-1: Bid Form (Section 11.0 of RFP)
DELETE: Section 11.0 Bid Form
INSERT: Attached Bid Form REV1 Dated 3/18/2024
Q1: Could you provide guidance on the payment terms for this project? Will there be
partial payments per location, or will payment be made upon completion of the
entire scope?
A1: Yes, The City will work with the contractor to approve partial payments for work done
and materials supplied.
Q2: Is there a need for any license or business registration for this project?
A2: Yes, Rhode Island law requires that any person or entity in the business of residential
and/or commercial construction, including alterations, remodeling, or repairs be
registered with the Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board.
Q3: Please let us know if we will need to pull a permit for this.
A3: No permits are required for this project
Q4: Can we propose an alternate option for sign specifications? Such as mounting
method, etc.
A4: The proposed signs require a concrete footing but an Equal or Better design can be
submitted for approval. This in no way guarantees an approval of an alternate option.
Q5: What are the expectations on this “Full Depth Saw Cut & Removal of Existing
Concrete Sidewalk for New Sign Install” for Gateway sign 3 and 6?
A5: The existing signs are installed in 4” – 8of concrete sidewalk. The concrete must be
sawcut and removed for the proper removal of the existing signs, as well as the
installation of the new signs.
Q6: Is it acceptable to submit a bid without disturbing the existing concrete sidewalk
for Gateway sign 3 and 6?
A6: The sidewalks will have to be disturbed for the install of the concrete footing and removal
of the existing posts and footings.
Q7: Is there an existing sign on Gateway sign 4? The comments depict there is no
sign however, there is an existing sign per google map.
A7: There is no existing sign at location 4
Q8: Can you provide further details for the site restoration? What are the buyer’s
expectations for it? Do we need to restore site as it was by performing sodding
A8: The City expects the sites to be clean after the installation of the new signs. The City
will take care of any restoration work to concrete or loam & seed.
Q9: According to the price sheet, “removal and disposal of existing sign posts and
concrete footings” are for a total of 13 sites. However, if the data provided for
each location indicating non-existing signs, this number does not align since
Remove and Deliver Existing Gateway Signs” is for 10 signs. Also, per the
comments section of the below sign types, i.e.: Gateway sign 4, 7, 8, and 9 No
Existing Sign. If we take in consideration the comments per each sign, total
removal of signs required will be 9. Likewise, the removal of posts will be 9.
Please advise.
A9: Please see attached revised Bid Form with updated quantities. In some situations, the
existing sign has been removed but the posts and foundations still remain. This is why
the quantities vary in the bid form.
Eric Hammerschlag
Eric Hammerschlag
City Engineer
ITEM 1-1:
ITEM 2-1:
11.0 – Bid Form – Rev1 3/18/2024
Submitted By:
(Include Name, Address and Telephone No.)
Name and remittance address that will
appear on invoices:
Physical address of business:
General Information
Is your firm a sole proprietorship doing business under a different name?
Yes _____ No____
If yes, please indicate sole proprietorship, a name, and the name you are doing business
Is your firm incorporated? ____Yes _____ No
Will any of the work spelled out in this bid be outsourced? ____Yes _____ No
If so, please explain below: Include a separate sheet if needed and list the
subcontractors years of experience doing similar work.
This is the opportunity summary page. You are currently viewing an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation. For more information, please visit the Publication URL Web page.


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